In Nursery we explored the weather, we looked at different types of weather and explored how clouds are formed. We used shaving foam to create clouds and build castles in the clouds. We then explored making rain clouds using food colouring and shaving foam, we loved getting messy and seeing what happened when clouds are filled with water!
Our final experiment explored how rainbows are made, we learnt about prisms and then made our own rainbow using sweets and water!
We did a baby dinosaur fizzing eggs experiment. Using Bicarbonate of Soda and vinegar. The children slowly added the vinegar to the eggs to make them fizz and melt down to reveal the baby dinosaur inside.
We also made a volcano by adding vinegar to a mixture of bicarbonate of Soda, water and food colouring. We made the volcanoes out of salt dough and painted them.
Year 1
In Year 1, we conducted some experiments linked to elements of our Wider Curriculum topic exploring floating/sinking and weather. We created ice boats and explored the difference in time it took for them to melt in hot water vs cold water. We used shaving foam and bicarbonate of soda with water to create snow! We had lots of fun trying to form snow balls with the snow. We also explored how changing the shape of clay can make it float instead of sink. We found this fascinating!
Year 2
For our Silly Science day, we had to research how rainbow grow and how they are made. We predicted, carried out an experiment and evaluate the experiment. Year 2 researched what materials we needed to use and Why? Also, what we think would will happen. They were bursting with excitement and were able to see if their experiments work. We understood and learnt two new words that explained the action in the experiment. One word was absorbed and the other was cohesion.
We now know that a paper towel is a good material to absorb things.
Year 3
For our Silly Science day, we had to help Mr Holmes find the perfect biscuit to dip in his tea! Our teachers told us Mr Holmes wanted to find a biscuit he could dunk many times in his tea without it falling.
First, we did a prediction, we guessed which biscuit would dunk many times out of bourbons, custard creams, nice and shortcake. Then we wrote our method of what we were going to do for our experiment. We decided to make a cup of tea, get the 4 different types of biscuits and dunk them over and over again until they fell in. We recorded the number of times in our results table, this helped us recognise the most long-lasting biscuit. It was so much fun!
Then we could see which was the perfect biscuit for Mr Holmes and it was… custard creams!
Year 4
Professor Nitrate – First, we went to an assembly and saw Professor Nitrate. Next, he was teaching us about all the experiments he has done. The experiments were; lighting up a person’s hand on fire, exploding bottle caps, exploding rockets, shaking up bottles and coke and mentoes. We learnt about forces, and chemical reactions. It was fun!
Water Assembly – First, we saw a man from Severn Trent water company and his name was Andy. Next, he was teaching us about how much water we use everyday and how to save water. After that, we played a game. Then later each Year 4 class took part in a workshop to find out how water is saved or wasted. We had to work in groups to measure water and see how a family uses water every day.
Making slime (states of matter) – Finally, the year four classes got to make slime. Some tables used gloss glue, some tables used glue and some tables used clear glue.Next, we got food colouring and mixed it in with the glue. We found out that the gloss glue and glue didn’t work. We all tried the clear glue and it worked! We enjoyed making slime and everybody had a smile on their face.
Year 5
The day started off with Andy from Severn Trent. He explained the process water went through. We learnt how to be more responsible with water and not waste it. Through-out the day we carried out a range of science experiment investigating chemical reactions that produced a gas. The gas produced was used to launch our fizz pop rockets. We used film canisters as our containers, we added water and a vitamin C tablet. Shook it and turned it upside-down. This created a gas and after some time… blast off! It flew high up into the sky! We also did the coke and mentos experiment that also caused an explosion. We had so much fun doing these experiments and going to the Silly science workshop with the silly professor!
Year 6
For Silly Science day the children in Year 6 made lava lamps! They began the exciting day by researching which liquids mix together and which separate. They also investigated which liquids easily dissolve and why. Children then conducted their exciting investigations and made lava lamps using vegetable oil, water, food colouring and fizzy tablets. We finished the day with typing up our findings and discussed how we completed a fair investigation.