In January, all Year 6 paid a visit to St Phillip’s cathedral in Birmingham city centre.
It was built on a hill three hundred years ago-we thought it was a hard walk from the bus!
We learned so many new things:
Babies are baptised between the ages of 0-2 by making a cross on their forehead with holy water. The holy water can only be disposed of into land so it is poured onto the grass in the grounds.
Colours are significant in the Christian calendar:
Red shows when God said Let there be light; white is for Christmas; purple stands for Advent and the countdown to the celebration of Christmas; green is for all other times.
Edward Burn Jones created the amazing stained glass windows. They tell different stories connecting to the life of Jesus.
We learned about Jesus’s birth, life and death. Christians believe Jesus died on a cross for God to forgive people’s sins.
We enjoyed it very much.