23 January 2025 | Class Events |
In January, all Year 6 paid a visit to St Phillip’s cathedral in Birmingham city centre. It was built on a hill three hundred years ago-we thought it was a hard walk from the bus! We learned so many new things: Babies are baptised between the ages of 0-2 by making a...
11 November 2024 | Class Events |
On November 22nd, all Year 5 performed on stage at the Rep theatre! All term, since September, each year 5 class has been working on a drama performance every week with a specialist drama coach, Summer. They have worked so hard and developed so much confidence week on...
24 October 2024 | Class Events |
As part of our learning about harvest and wider festivals, Year 2 went on a walk to the local church, St Paul’s Church. We spent our time learning about what harvest is and why it is important to Christians. We coloured a tree and thought about what we are thankful...
17 October 2024 | Class Events |
Some of Year 6 had the opportunity to visit the author, Joseph Elliott, at King Edwards School, Edgbaston. Rawan said she absolutely loved meeting him and thought, ‘He was so smiley, kind and funny.’ He told us all about starring in CBBC’s ‘Swashbuckle’ (Maryam’s...
11 October 2024 | Class Events |
Class 6KA performed an assembly about Harvest where we learnt about the importance of it and what it involves. Harvest is a festival celebrated by many people in the world. A fun fact about harvest is that the word is derived from the old English word hoerfest,...
4 October 2024 | Class Events |
In Year 4 we visited Blakesley hall which is a Tudor house. It was a good walk to get there but we were very excited to see a real Tudor house. As we entered the house the first room was the Great Hall. This was where the owner of the house Richard Small Brooke and...
3 October 2024 | Class Events |
In 3S, we really enjoyed our trip to Lunt Fort. The Roman soldiers that guided us around the fort were very smart and knew a lot about Romans. When we first got there, the Roman soldiers were waiting for us with spears and made us give them a password before they...
3 October 2023 | Class Events |
From Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th October, children in Year 6 visited the historic Singer’s Hill Synagogue in Birmingham, to learn more about the Jewish faith. The visits were extremely informative and all of the children were fascinated and eager to learn more as the...
16 June 2023 | Class Events |
Year 6 visited the capital of England! As soon as we arrived in central London, we noticed Ben – it was enormous! We walked through St James’s Park and saw the ducks and geese. As it was a sunny day, we had our picnic there. After that we walked up the Mall to...
15 October 2019 | Class Events |
Year 4 visited Blakesley Hall as part of their theme topic on ‘The Tudors’. Back to Events...