Events Gallery
Enjoy some of the special events and activities that go on at our school.

Year 6 Trip to London
Year 6 visited the capital of England! As soon as we arrived in central London, we noticed Ben - it was enormous! We walked through St James’s Park and saw the ducks and geese. As it was a sunny day, we had our picnic there. After that we walked up the Mall to see...

Our Sporting Life
We have had a tremendous start to our competitive sports this year. Our Hometown Hero, Salma Bi, came to visit and told us about her inspiring cricket journey. We all took part in workshops she ran too. It was brilliant! "I loved meeting Salma and enjoyed hearing...

Our Growing Year
After the opening of the allotment and sensory garden, Miss Holloway was successful in applying for the Super Bloom project that entailed researching and organising all the planting in our school grounds and allotment. "We were so excited! Our teacher told us we could...

Allotment Makeover
Weeds had taken over our allotment site over Lockdown but the kind team from Dodd Group came to the rescue… They asked the children to use their creative skills to design their ideal space for learning and relaxing. Plans were merged and a vision was created. It took...

Official Opening of our New Sensory Garden
On 1 July 2021, Mr Holmes officially opened our new Sensory Garden. Once upon a time, this was a small, walled garden used by KS1 classes to grow plants and search for minibeasts. Unfortunately, it became overgrown and neglected due to the Covid lockdown closures....

Food Bank Collection
We completed this year's donations for the Food Bank on 18th December 2020. What an amazing amount of cereal, tinned food, tea, coffee, sugar, cleaning products and toiletries we collected this year! All our year groups donated an incredible amount over the last few...

Remembrance Displays
To commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One, each class created a Remembrance display. We also bought poppies and raised money for the Royal British Legion.

Food Bank Donations
Pupils here at Bordesley Green School are always generous in support of causes for those less fortunate and once again pupils and families have donated items being packed here by some our pupils ready to be delivered to the local Food Bank.

Year 4 at Blakesley Hall
Year 4 visited Blakesley Hall as part of their theme topic on ‘The Tudors’.

Artistic Displays
Have a look at some of the fantastic Artist Displays we have created throughout the year! We had great fun developing new skills and techniques and also exploring a range of medium.