School Meals
Our school dinner menus work on a three week rolling program and were devised with the support of the children on the BGPS School Council.
Our current menu can be read below:
- Dinner Menu – January to July 2025

School Meal Prices
Key Stage 1 children are entitled to UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meals) – see more below.
Payable school meals for Key Stage 2 children cost £2.40 per day (£12.00 per week) from September 2022.
School meals are payable in advance through ParentPay – see the link in the footer area of our web pages.
Free School Meals
If you are a parent or carer, and receive any of the benefits below, then your child is eligible for Free School Meals:
- Income Support
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross household income of no more than £16,190)
- The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Tax Credit run on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
If your application for Free School Meals is successful, our school will also receive extra funding from the Government to use in support of teaching and learning (see Pupil Premium).
How to Apply
If you would like to apply for Free School Meals you can use the Free School Meals Checking Service website
Healthy Eating
Food served in some schools and academies in England must meet the school food standards so that children have healthy, balanced diets.
The school food standards apply to all maintained schools, and academies that were founded before 2010 and after June 2014. They must provide:
- high-quality meat, poultry or oily fish
- fruit and vegetables
- bread, other cereals and potatoes
There can’t be:
- drinks with added sugar, crisps, chocolate or sweets in school meals and vending machines
- more than two portions of deep-fried, battered or breaded food a week
You can read more on the School Food Standards website
Packed lunches should follow healthy eating guidelines, for example, a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a yoghurt and juice drink. Packed lunches should not contain chocolate, crisps, sweets or fizzy drinks.
At morning break Key Stage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit and a drink with Key Stage 2 children currently able to purchase toast and a drink for a daily charge. At the end of the current academic year toast provision for Key Stage 2 will cease.
From September 2020 all Key Stage 2 children will be offered a piece of fruit at break-time. Water remains available at all break-times from the water coolers around school.

There's a lot to choose from at dinner time