Year 5
Welcome to Year 5.
We aim to provide an active, happy and secure learning environment where all children are encouraged to try their best and reach their full potential.
Our classrooms are language and resource rich which supports the children’s learning and independence.
We strive to provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, catering to the individual needs of all children.
During Wider Curriculum lessons, we cover several different national curriculum subjects through a range of topics. Our topics are Return of the Mummy, It’s a Material World, May the Force be with You and Forest Runners.
For PE, please ensure children have the correct kit and footwear. Please refer to your child’s class timetable for the specific PE days.
We set spellings every week, which are words that we encourage children to use in their writing at school. We encourage you to help them practise their spellings for the following week. Children are also encouraged to read with an adult each night. They will also have a maths activity to complete each week.
Children in Years 3 to 6 are expected to regularly practise their times tables using the online resource ‘Times Tables Rockstars’. Children’s use of this resource, and their ongoing scores and progress, are regularly monitored by the school.
There are also a selection of homework tasks set over the half term for Wider Curriculum and Writing. (See ‘Homework for Year 5’ link below).
More about our learning in Year 5…
- Year 5 Parents’ Information – September 2024
- Year 5B Class Timetable – Spring 2025
- Year 5J Class Timetable – Spring 2025
- Year 5W Class Timetable – Spring 2025
- Year 5 Homework
Also see our Curriculum page for Overviews and further details of the curriculum in Year 5.